BREATHE IN ~ Blessings

Admittedly, for the last few years I've "gotten through" Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years..."The Holidays."  I have tried to focus on Jesus; I've concentrated on my blessings and hope and love and family, but a shadow has followed me, an emptiness. I've been missing my Dad. Since his death from cancer several years ago, getting together with my family -- especially during this season -- has been bittersweet.  

It gets a bit less painful each year. It's easier to recognize my Dad's touch on my life as a blessing rather than his absence as a gaping hole. I can reminisce about the days he and I would kayak together, packing a lunch for along the way. I can now think (without crying) about when he would wake me up at 5:00 am to run with him, a habit that I continued for a long time even when I lived too far away from Dad for us to run together. I can recall with a smile the times we would sit and talk together and when he would just be there for me to lean on; those memories become sweeter as time heals me. 

Healing happens best when I breathe in the blessings of my heavenly Father. I am blessed with family who I love and who love me. I am blessed with a ministry that fulfills me. I experience God's blessings daily as I am touched by God's grace.  

When I pause the whirlwind of "to-do"s, I can hear the voice of the Lord, reminding me to consider that little Baby whose birthday we celebrate during this season.  I notice that our Lord doesn't post glaring billboards announcing the birth of our Savior to get our attention; He doesn't send pop-ups while we're online shopping or inundate our inbox with SPAM. He isn't filling our mailbox with endless paper flyers announcing, "Savior's Birthday -- Coming Soon!" Our Heavenly Father, simply blesses us with His listening ear; He blesses us by faithfully waiting for us while we run, run, run. God shares His blessings of healing, grace, joy, and love just as He shared with us His son, Jesus. 

All we can do is BREATHE and open the door.  
"Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person and he with me (Revelation 3:20).


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