Breathe Peace into the New Year
Peace into the New Year
had never been able to “keep holy the Sabbath.” It should be a
simple thing. Take one day per week and rest. Exodus 20:8 tells us,
the Sabbath day by keeping it holy.” “For six days, work is to
be done, but the seventh day shall be your holy day, a day of sabbath
rest to the Lord” (Exodus 35:2). In fact, this verse is so serious
about sabbath rest that it ends with, “Whoever does any work on it
is to be put to death.” Yikes!
years, I'd tried to cram in all of my work in six days, leaving
Sunday for church, prayer, and . . . football. Somehow, this never
seemed quite right. I tried going for long walks on the beach with
the Lord after church, but I couldn't walk ALL DAY, and I wondered,
“Is walking work?”
23:3 explains sabbath rest further, “‘There are six days when you
may work, but the seventh day is a day of sabbath rest, a day of
sacred assembly. You are not to do any work; wherever you live, it is
a sabbath to the Lord.” This passage helped me to see more clearly
what is expected of me one day per week. I began to turn OFF the
television. I started with one hour per day (in the mornings during
football season....I'm human after all) and spent the time studying
the Word, and worked up from there. I made a point on Sabbath days
of allowing the Lord to direct every interaction, every BREATH, every
move. As I began doing this, I realized that submitting to the Lord
should be a lifestyle.
time to put the Lord first each day is a great start, but when we get
caught up in the stress and hurry of our daily lives and work, we
easily allow Him to fade into the background as the world vies for
control. We need a heavy-duty booster one day per week. Keeping holy
the Sabbath not only does that but it also glorifies the Lord. When
we set aside one day to rest in Him, He presses the “reset”
button for us. We are ready to face a new day, a new week – one
minute at a time.
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