Praise the Lord with Every Breath
A friend described God as an egomaniac because of verses like Psalm 150:6, " Let everything that has breath praise the LORD." His thoughts were that any being that "required" praise must have a swollen sense of self-importance and a need to keep people in their "place." My guess, however, is that this friend had never completely surrendered himself in praise. The Bible mentions praise close to 400 times, not because praise is a burden that we must carry. Instead, when we praise the Lord through our good times, through our challenges, through our tragedies -- as impossible as it seems, we receive the reward. Psalm 66:2 says "Sing the glory of His name; make His praise glorious." It is easiest to praise God during good times. When we are happy and thankful, it is natural to WANT to offer praise; still, sometimes we are SO happy that we forget. An amazing thing happens, though, when we DO offer praise during the good times. Getting lost i...